Defining the problem to solve; preparing, quality assurance to completion.

Client’s Project strategy - RIBA 0

Independent advice for business and service planning including guidance, strategic briefs, Requirements’ definition, development and assurance for user benefit and lifecycle value.

Brief and stakeholder engagement - RIBA 1

Research for and writing your brief that forms client design requirements about how your building will work and perform.

Selecting the right team - RIBA 2

Working with procurement  to source the designers who’ll turn Requirements into a designs. Then, with the client team and designer, advising on contractor selection to make your project happen.

Workflow, assurance - RIBA 3 to 7

Quality assurance of project team outputs; structuring the workflow including ICT;  stage gate quality assurance, ongoing stakeholder involvement to Handover; post occupancy evaluation.

Pitzhanger Manor-House Walpole Park

Elizabeth line, Linewide stations

Canary Wharf, Crossrail Place

Newham Trackside Wall, Crossrail

Newham Trackside Wall; Sonia Boyce OBE RA